Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics


1. Pharmacoepidemiology :
Definition and Scope
Origin and evaluation of pharmacoepidemiology need for pharmacoepidemiology,
aims and applications.


Measurement of outcomes in pharmacoepidemiology
Outcome measure and drug use measures
incidence and incidence rate, Monetary units, number of prescriptions, units of drugs dispensed, defined daily doses and prescribed daily doses, medication adherence measurement

2. Concept of risk in pharmacoepidemiology
Measurement of risk, attributable risk and relative risk,
time-risk relationship and odds ratio

Pharmacoepidemiological methods
Includes theoretical aspects of various methods and practical study of various methods with the help of case studies for individual methods
Drug utilization review
case reports, case series, survey of drug use, cross-sectional studies, cohort studies, case control studies, case - cohort studies, meta analysis studies, spontaneous reporting, prescription event monitoring, and record linkage system.

3. Sources of data for pharmacoepidemiological studies
Ad Hoc data sources,
case reports, and automated data systems.

Selected special applications of pharmacoepidemiology
Studies of vaccine safety
Hospital Pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoepidemiology and risk management, drug induced birth defects.

4. Pharmacoeconomics
Definition, history, needs of pharmacoeconomic evaluations.

Role in formulary management decisions

Pharmacoeconomic evaluation
Outcome assesment and type of evaluation
Includes theoretical aspects of various methods and practical study of various methods with the help of case studies for individual methods
Cost – minimization,
cost- benefit, cost – effectiveness, cost utility .

5. Applications of Pharmacoeconomics
Software and
case studies.